Gather the most memorable European vacation memories ever!

When contemplating on where to go this year, pick Europe.

Read on and we’ll tell you where the best European destinations are.

A poll was conducted by the European Consumers Choice, and after three weeks of online voting, Porto in Portugal became number 1 in the spot.  

A central jury selects these based on Eurostat’s annual tourism data and experts’ professional advice.  From the initial list of 20 towns, the online voting for European citizens went on for three weeks, and they selected their preferred destinations.  The top spot in 2011 went to Copenhagen, which is currently not in the top 10 list, surprisingly.  In 2010, Lisbon emerged the top choice, and still in the top 10 choice for 2012.

Taking the point of view of world travellers, Trip Advisor, the world’s largest travel site, also did their own list. Although the two independent bodies had dissimilar lists, having their won top 10 (mainly because of dissimilar criteria), the common destinations in the two experts’ lists are Berlin in Germany and Prague in the Czech Republic.  

Whether you take it from the point of view of locals in Europe, or world traveller data and votes, you are bound to have the best European vacation in these places.

So go to Europe this year!