Newsprint has been flush with the news that it is far cheaper to stay and commute in Barcelona than stay in London where the rent is way out of reach for the average worker in Europe. Part of the reason why it is cheaper to stay in Barcelona is because of its very well developed transport system. There are 5 major ways you can commute in Barcelona.

Newsprint has been flush with the news that it is far cheaper to stay and commute in Barcelona than stay in London where the rent is way out of reach for the average worker in Europe. Part of the reason why it is cheaper to stay in Barcelona is because of its very well developed transport system. There are 5 major ways you can commute in Barcelona. Make sure you utilize any of the methods to comfortably get around.

The Subway

Barcelona has a modern, air conditioned and punctual subway fleet of trains. The trains can take you to almost any tourist destination in Europe. The fact that no energy is wasted due to traffic jams make it a very cost effective means of getting around for the budget conscious dweller of Barcelona.

Barcelona Taxis

Sometimes you might be going to a place not covered by the Metro subway trains. In this case, the Barcelona taxis become the next best alternative. For a journey lasting 15 minutes, you will pay 10 Euros. Note that in case there are any luggages that you are carrying, a small surcharge may accrue.

Car Hire

Unless you are going out of the city, this will not be required. It is usually more expensive than public transport. Besides, getting a driving license in Spain is not a walk-in-the-park. However, if you have special needs, then hiring a car might be advisable.


The city of Barcelona is not as huge as most people assume. Walking has over the years been said to be the best way of exploring the city. If you are in Barcelona on tour, dont waste your hard earned cash on transport. Walk around and enjoy the sights.

Buses and Cycling

There are cycling paths on almost all the major roads in Barcelona. If you want to explore the city more quickly, then this might also be a good option. For business travellers, getting around Barcelona in the public buses is the cheapest way to get around. It is only surpassed by the subway in saving transport costs. The obvious advantage of the buses is that you will get to see the city more.

When staying in Barcelona, evaluate the cheapest and most comfortable means of transport for you. You do not want to end up paying for transport for a distance you can walk.