Looking for a unique way to see Barcelona? Then take a GoCar GPS Guided Tour in Barcelona, Spain. This yellow car tour offers visitors the chance to scoot around town visiting sights as the car becomes the tour guide.

If you though you couldn't afford a personal tour guide to show you the sights of Barcelona, think again. Spend a day driving the GoCar, a GPS guided tour of Barcelona with a a unique GPS system that guides you around the city and an integrated audio system  that tells you all about the sights you see along the way. 

There are three routes on the GoGar GPS tour of Barcelona that will take you to the most famous attractions as well as the hidden gems of the city.The Beach Tour, Olympic Tour, and Gaudi Tour will take you straight to the Segrada Familia, Park Guell, the best Barcelona beaches, and much more.See the city on your own pace with 8 hours of excitement that includes a full tank of fuel. helmets, and insurance. 

The GoCar GPS Guided Tour of Barcelona is the best way to explore the city and gives you an unrivalled freedom that will make you feel like a local.

To book your GoCar GPS Guided Tour of Barcelona call us today.