San Sebastian Annual Restaurant Week is an annual gastronomy week started by San Sebastian Tourism to promote Gipuzkoa Restaurants as top cuisine destinations.

San Sebastian Annual Restaurant Week is an annual gastronomy week started by San Sebastian Tourism to promote Gipuzkoa Restaurants as top cuisine destinations.

Amazingly, the cuisines are all on display in New York, London, and Madrid. Special prefixed menus are prepared in restaurants in the above cities and each meal offered at 25-euros and 30-euros respectively over the duration of 2-weeks twhile the Restaurant Week is in progress.

The restaurants are allowed to explore the culinary mastery of the Basque region and then help spread the word about the special cuisines that are on offer in Gipuzkoa.

Gipuzkoa is a province in Spain, and historically a territory of the autonomous Basque country. The capital of the province is called Donostia-San Sebastián - hence the name 'San Sebastian Restaurant Week'. The territory is synonymous with traditional foods such as meats and fish grilled over hot coals, marmitako and lamb stews, cod, Tolosa bean dishes, paprikas from Lekeitio, pintxos (Basque tapas), Idiazabal sheep's cheese, txakoli sparkling wine, and Basque cider. It is this kind of food that the Restaurant week seeks to promote.

If you have never been to the Basque territory in Spain, you can start by sampling delicious food offered by restaurants all over Madrid, London, and New York. While at it, why not also enjoy the best Basque dances from your stereo? The most common cultural dances include; bertsolaritza, trikiti and txistu music, baserris.
The Restaurant Week is a season that can help you sample some of the most unique dishes in Europe. Whatever else you do, make sure you eat some of these delicacies. They are rare, sweet, and exquisitely prepared.

Among the restaurants that serves these dishes include:

-Euzkadi and Txikito in New York;

-Donostia, Dehesa, El Parador, and Tapas Brindisa in London;

-and Taberna del Alabardero, Goizeko Kabi, and Dantxari in Madrid.

If you do not know it yet, Donostia-San Sebastián is the gastronomy capital of Spain. The food served here is in a class of its own. The Restaurant Week is just an appendage of this culinary genius to other parts of the world.