Spanish cuisine has its own special characteristics, yet you’ll appreciate it more when you get the chance to sample traditional local cooking.

Typical dishes that might be recommended by many food blogs and travel site reviews when dining in Madrid may include gallinejas, churros, patatas bravas, tapas and bocadillos de calamares.

Nonetheless, what you should really make sure to taste when traveling to Madrid is its mariscada, which stands for a seafood feast, as this Spanish city is known to offer the best quality of seafood than any coastal cities nearby.

Of course, you shouldn’t also dare miss the Spanish paella, but if you would like to sample Madrid’s traditional cooking, and learn where to find such Spanish cuisine, then you’ll have to check out the recommendations of NY Times Travel staff writer Lisa Abend (“Where Madrid Chefs Go for ‘Real’ Spanish Food”).

Here’s a quick excerpt of her recently-published travel post about one of her recommended restos, Asturianos:

Asturianos, situated on an unremarkable street of offices and over bright bars in a working-class part of Madrid, is the kind of place that jaded foodies fantasize about after studying one too many minimalist menus that identify dishes only by their top three ingredients and the farms that grew them… There are, however, fat sardines, lightly briny and swimming in concentric circles of tomato concassé and bright green olive oil. In season, there are boletus mushrooms, their deep musk complicated only with a bit of garlic and a quick sear. There are plump cockles, barely cooked to retain their full sweetness. A darkly rich bit of beef shank, braised to velvetiness, is served with nothing more than a few fried potatoes to absorb the delicious wine sauce. The fabada, that most typical of Asturian dishes, is exemplary here — the big white beans tender and vibrating with flavor from chorizo and blood sausage. And a luscious cheese flan makes converts of those otherwise bored with this most Spanish of desserts.

Read through the rest of her article here, and learn more about the three other restos that she recommends when trying to find a traditional Spanish cooking in Madrid.

So contact us as early as now to get more tips on your next culinary search in Madrid!

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