Are you a sushi fan who’s on a constant search for the best sushi in the world? Then you should start heading to an island in Spain.

If thinking of the sour taste of a cooked rice mixed with the freshest seafood or raw fish already makes you salivate, then one place you ought to check out for a heavenly serving of sushi is Kabuki.

Serving as a resto of the luxurious Abama Golf & Spa Resort in Tenerife, Kabuki is helmed by Spanish Chef Ricardo Sanz, who has now become one of the finest chefs in Europe for making his Japanese restos one of the best on the continent.

Therefore, you’ll only expect nothing but the best Japanese fares in Kabuki, and this of course, includes sushi, tempura and sashimi dishes. Even Daily Mail UK Travel writer Priscilla Pollara claimed that Kabuki serves the most delicious sushi on the globe (“The Best Place in the World to Eat… Japan’s Uncooked Favorite, Sushi (Clue – Not Japan)”).

Below is an excerpt of her article:

Kabuki's menu is awash with traditional Japanese mainstays – vinegared rice (chirashizushi), fried tofu (inarizushi) and sushi rolls (makizushi) - but also has an interweaving thread of Mediterranean influences… For example, there’s the 'Pichon' (€30/£27) - teriyaki-drenched pigeon meat with Spanish truffle sauce. Alongside it is the adventurous usuzurkui bocata de calamar (€27/£24), which is nothing but a 'Spanish squid sandwich' after translation - but intriguingly delicious nonetheless… In fact, so popular is this dining experience that Kabuki proudly proclaims that its large and returning clientele is often made up of holidaymakers from neighboring islands - or mainland Spanish residents looking for weekend foodie stays.

So contact us now for more tips on your next food trip in Spain!

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