The biggest hindrance to cruising in Europe is the high price tag that comes with it. If you really want to have your cruise, skip several holidays and save up that money until it is enough to pay for your cruise.

Who said that cruises are only for the old folks? True, they usually have more money and fewer responsibilities, but you can also enjoy a European river cruise. Here is how.

1. Save over time - The biggest hindrance to cruising in Europe is the high price tag that comes with it. If you really want to have your cruise, skip several holidays and save up that money until it is enough to pay for your cruise.

2. Volunteer your services on the cruise ship - This concept is known as voluntourism. You will volunteer your services in the cruise ship for a chance to see Europe on the river. Services usually needed in a cruise ship include masseuse, cooks, cleaners, handymen, lifesavers, tour guides, nurses etc. If you have a skill that you think is needed on a cruise ship, volunteer.

3. Part pay - You can decide not to experience the entire cruise. Pray hard that there will be enough space left by the full cruise vacationers.

4. Checkout cheaper cruise options - You can forego luxury for a chance to see the old continent. There are cheaper liners if you are willing to forego class and luxury.

5. Cheaper cabins - Of course there will be different cabins for different budgets. If you are willing to forego the more expensive options, you can also enjoy the cruise along the older folks.

6. Hire help - Like I said before, most people never go on a cruise because of work of family responsibilities. It's time you hired help and went on that trip.

7. Take a long holiday - If you have been an exceptionally good employee, most employers are willing to let you have a longer holiday than normal. During this time, book your space in the cruise ship.

There many ways of getting yourself on that cruise that you always dream about. Cast the stereotype aside and go see Europe. This experience is not for old people alone!