Known as Spain’s biggest city, you’ll also find loads of gastronomic offerings in Madrid.

While Spanish cuisine found all over Spain is served in Madrid, you’ll realize that Madrilenos have their own set of food to take pride in. A usual fare that you’ll encounter is the Cocido Madrileno, which is basically a chickpea stew that comes with veggies and meat, though you’ll notice that each of this, including the soup, is consumed separately.

Learn more about the culinary adventures that await you in Madrid in this review provided by Daily Mail UK Travel writer Philip Norman (“Madrid’s Answer to Spain’s Financial Crisis? Party like There’s No Manana!”).

Here’s an excerpt of his recent travel article:

Madrilenos have dinner very late by British standards: don't make restaurant reservations until at least 9.30pm unless you like emptiness and silence… My tapas-style vegetarian main courses started with what resembled a scoop of ice cream but was a gorgonzola shell covering a miniature Waldorf salad. Afterwards came white asparagus with warm mayonnaise, pea risotto with cherries, and a poached egg with watercress smoothie. Sue's fish and meat variations included crayfish with ceps and pineapple praline, and 'Cantonese-style' Iberian pork.

So communicate with our travel reps today to begin your travel plans to Madrid!

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